Thursday, January 9, 2014

Equipment-Free Workout

For two reasons, I am so very excited to share my recent workout.

First, it was a wonderfully refreshing and invigorating workout. Lately I've been doing mostly running as well as 25 push-ups and 50 crunches per day. Good workouts, sure, but those can become mundane after a short while.

Second, getting in a workout like this is a good reminder that I am well on the up-side of recovery from the winter crud…at least 95% better, in my opinion. Just a little sniffle here and a few coughs there, but nothing to run to the doctor about.

I was inspired by a workout I found from Women's Health. Actually, I confess, it's been probably a year since I first discovered the workout, bookmarked it, then put it off indefinitely.

There are just 4 moves involved in this workout, and I incorporated some running for more of a cardio boost. The following images show a good example of how each move is done, but for a more detailed explanation, head to the actual link from Women's Health.

Move 1: Squat and kick

Move 2: Jumping lunge

Move 3: Push-ups

Move 4: Mountain climber

Women's Health explains that you can do a workout with these moves according to the following instructions: Do the first move for 30 seconds, then do the second one for 30 seconds. Rest one minute; repeat three more times. Perform the third and fourth moves in this same pattern. Push yourself to do more reps during each successive workout.

Now that is a good workout and all, and if you're crunched for time it's definitely going to serve you well.

Here's how I did it though:
  • Warm-up: 5 minute jog at a medium pace
    1. Move 1: 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest
    2. Move 2: 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest
    3. Move 3: 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest
    4. Move 4: 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest
    5. Run 800m (2 laps) on a 400m track at about 8 min/mile pace
  • Repeat (1 through 5) 4 times
  • Cool-down: Walk 2-3 minutes, then jog slow for about 5 minutes; stretch and hydrate

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