Links I Like

General Info
World's Healthiest Foods - Everything you ever wanted to know about foods, vitamins, minerals, and what they do for your body.

Super Kids Nutrition - Geared towards kids and families; offers plenty of tips, guides, and information on how to become healthier together.

Local Harvest - Farmer's markets and farms across the country where you can buy fresh foods right from the source.

USDA MyPlate - Lots and LOTS of info on balanced meals, tips for healthy lifestyles, and government programs designed to support wellness and reduce obesity.

The Weight of the Nation - HBO 4-part documentary on issues surrounding obesity.

The Real Bears - Looks like it's going to be cute, but it's harsh reality, in your face, about soda.

Saturated Fat and Genetics - Short article on how saturated fat intake may influence the expression of certain genetic predispositions towards obesity.

Physical Activity
Physical Activity for Adults - The CDC's recommendation for 18-64 year olds.

Map My Run - Best for runners, walkers, and bikers for mapping routes and logging workouts, but you can also use this site to log other workouts as well.

Active - Search for local races and other fun fitness events (color runs, mud runs, triathlons, etc.) and other sports and activities for any skill or interest level.

Some Light Reading
Livestrong - Articles on health, nutrition, much good stuff, you could spend hours on this site alone.

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics - Plenty of articles and knowledge about food and nutrition.

The Way We Eat Now - Older, but very good, article from Harvard Magazine on the progression of obesity in America.

14 Bad Habits that Drain Your Energy - Common lifestyle habits that make you feel tired, but tweaks you cam implement to up your energy.

Hot Topics
Artificial sweeteners - NIH article about artificial sweeteners and what's what on the shelf

Kinds of Fats (Indiana University) - fats and their chemical structures; trying to break down a confusing topic into a simpler matter.

Oral Probiotics - A few facts and a general overview on probiotics.

Prebiotics and Probiotics - The difference between the two and what they do when included in your diet.

MSG (PDF article) - A safety evaluation from The Journal of Nutrition. The conclusion: it won't harm your nervous system or your infant child; some people may be sensitive to it, so if that's the case then avoid it when possible.

Healthy Cooking
Low-Sodium Recipes - From the Mayo Clinic, recipes that contain 140 mg or less of sodium per serving. Sorry for the lack of beautiful pictures on the site, you're just going to have to trust it!

Heart-Healthy - A recipe index endorsed by the American Heart Association.

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