Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I recently taught a fitness class called "4321-Burn." Toughest. Class. Ever. The good news? It's only a 20-minute workout (maybe 25 with a warm-up and cool down) and it will remind you that you got a great workout for the next week or so. Yes, you will be sore. But in the 8 or so years I've been teaching fitness classes this has been one of my favorites to teach.

So here's how it works: 4 minutes of high-intesnity cardio, 3 minutes of strength/resistance exercises, 2 minutes of core exercises, 1 minute of stretching. Repeat twice. No breaks in between, except for that 1 minute of stretching. The 4 minute segment is broken down into 30-second intervals. After all, I don't expect anyone to maintain 4 minutes of high-intesnity cardio with no breaks. It should be that tough - that you need a little break in there.

Before class I will always plan out and write down what the workout will be. This was a great one for several reasons:
1) It makes you sore from head to toe.
2) I used it on more than one occasion.
3) There is dried sweat all over the page I wrote it on, which means I was sweating like a whore in church while doing it. Just imagine how the participants were feeling those days!

For this workout, I suggest you set a timer to go off at 1-minute intervals. You can get a great free one from the Apple App Store called "Interval Timer." Sorry about the tricky name, you'll just have to try and remember it.

Anyway, here we go:

For this workout, you'll need a pair of weights (5-8 lbs), a mat, and it would probably be nice to have a little towel to wipe the sweat out of your eyes. If not, that's okay too. You won't drown.

Warm-up (about 3 minutes)
Jog or jog in place
Walking lunges
Straight leg kicks while walking forward

4 minutes of cardio
30 seconds high-intensity: 10-count mountain climbers followed by 1 push up
30 seconds recovery: jog in place
30 seconds high-intensity: 10-count mountain climbers followed by 1 push up
30 seconds recovery: jog in place
30 seconds high-intensity: squat jumps (tag the floor at the bottom, reach hands up on the jump)
30 seconds recovery: jumping jacks
30 seconds high-intensity: squat jumps (tag the floor at the bottom, reach hands up on the jump)
30 seconds recovery: jumping jacks

3 minutes of strength/resistance
1 minute: reverse lunges, overhead press with the weights while going into lunge position (should look somewhat like move 4 from this Women's Health workout)
1 minute: push-ups, modify if needed
1 minute: plank row, alternating the side you lift each time

2 minutes of core
1 minute: oblique v-crunches
1 minute: toe touches

1 minute of stretching
Focus on chest, abs, and triceps

4 minutes of cardio
30 seconds high-intensity: speed-skater jumps
30 seconds recovery: jumping jacks
30 seconds high-intensity: speed-skater jumps
30 seconds recovery: jumping jacks
30 seconds high-intensity: burpees
30 seconds recovery: jog in place
30 seconds high-intensity: burpees
30 seconds recovery: jog in place

3 minutes of strength/resistance
1 minute: regular squats, hold one weight in front of you with straight arms, arms parallel to the floor
1 minute: bicep curls (do variations - front lifts and side lifts)
1 minute: forward lunge + oblique twist, alternate sides for each rep

2 minutes of core
1 minute: plank with "windshield wiper" toe taps, alternating sides
1 minute: flutter kicks

1 minute of stretching
Focus on arms, abs, and legs

For a cool down you can jog or walk. Continue to stretch all muscle groups, and drink plenty of water. Don't you just feel great now?


  1. I did this workout last night and it is tough! I didn't know some of the things, I kindof just guessed - like skater-what-you-call-its. I was so sweaty afterwards, you accurately described that sensation!

    Today, my back hurts. Does this mean I did it wrong? OR is that good?

  2. Oh I'm so thrilled you did this workout!! Your back pain depends on HOW it hurts...if it feels sore that's okay. If it feels like you injured it, you may have just strained it a little bit. This is a very core-focused and ab-focused workout and there's not much attention on your back and that can cause back pain because the exercises aren't "balanced" between the front and back sides of your body. (My bad on not isolating the back for any exercises on this!) Also, which part of your back hurts? Upper or lower? All of it? If you had poor form during ab workouts, especially the last 2, it could cause your lower back to hurt. If it's your upper back it may be from the exercises that involve shoulders - burpees, push-ups, mountain climbers, etc. I hope that helps! Keep stretching & chugging water anyway!
