Monday, December 2, 2013

Post-Turkey Day Recovery Workout

The turkeys and cranberries have been eaten, I'm stuffed with stuffing, and the pumpkin pie is long gone. Another Thanksgiving success and as usual, I have friends and family to thank for it all. However, the workout routine took a minor hit during vacation time and today was day one to get back into it.

Did it hurt? Yes. More than a little.

Was it fun? Sorta. But not entirely.

Did it completely cancel out a weekend of Thanksgiving bingeing? Not even close, but it's a start.

For some workout inspiration today, I headed over to and searched for something fast, simple, and effective. Miss Conrad did not disappoint!

I have been a fan of LC since her reality TV debut, and I enjoy seeing the cute and pretty things found on her website. Although she may not have gained fame for her fitness expertise (more so for the cute and pretty things), she endorses workouts and nutrition tips that are balanced and sound. The workout of hers that I did was intended to be a treadmill workout. However, since I have a slight disdain for treadmills and the weather today permitted an outdoor workout, I hit the outdoor track to complete all this.

LC's workout goes as follows:
I modified the workout so I could do it on the track. Also, I'd never be able to do some of the exercises for 3 minutes straight without modifying (like jump lunges and push-ups…that's just whack). Here's how it all went down:
  • Warm-up: 5 minute jog
  • 25 regular push-ups (not modified/on knees)
    • 1 set of 15
    • 1 set of 10
  • 800m run at 7:30 per mile pace (2 laps on 1/4 mile track)
  • 2 sets of 20 jump lunges
  • 800m run at 7:30 per mile pace (2 laps)
  • 3 sets of 10 sumo squats
  • 800m run as fast as my feet would carry me (about 7:00 per mile pace)
  • Abdominal workout - 2 sets of each:
    • 10 crunches with feet off ground, knees bent to 90 degrees
    • 12 bicycle crunches (24 per side, rotating)
Then I rounded out the workout by jogging the long way home, which took about 16 minutes going at a moderate pace. If you're not up for the jog or just don't have time, be sure you get at least a little cool down jog or walk in before you call it quits. 

After a good stretch and plenty of water, I feel ready to get back into it. At least until Christmas. 

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