Saturday, June 15, 2013

Shotgun Road

I'm not sure if the road is actually called "Shotgun Road" because I've never seen a sign. But it could also be called "Hunger Games Road," "You Might Die Here Today Road," or "Snakes and Animal Feces Road." During hunting season the hunters go out to the smaller off-shooting roads of this route and kill animals. That being said, I don't actually know when hunting season is, all I know is that I hear gunshots on this route sometimes and that I better wear something bright so I'm not mistaken for a deer.

So why do I run on this fear-inducing, life-threatening path, you ask? Well, it's a reasonable distance, it's almost completely in the shade, it's not paved (nicer for my little knee caps and hip joints), and it twists and turns nearly the whole way (not a boring straight route). And I like to live on the edge and stare at death in the face. Plus, what if the Hunger Games actually becomes a real thing? This road has me prepared. There are so many insects flying into my nostrils and eyes, plenty of dust to clog my lungs, and enough hidden snakes to keep me on my toes for the entire distance. But if I ever leave for a run and don't come back, this is the place you'll most likely find my body. 
It was a hot one out there for this morning run. It was one of those days where a headwind in your face is plenty welcome even though it may slow you down (read, make you a stronger runner) at times. Even if the breeze is warm, it's a sure relief from hot, stagnant air. 

I surprised myself by my 8:04 min/mile pace today. I definitely thought I was slower than that when I was out there and I'll probably go and double check on that distance at some point. But then again, I had a fine pizza yesterday that offered plenty of carbs to fuel my muscles through this one. And I had coffee this morning before the run. Caffeine is a surefire aid in any workout. 

Overall I must say, it sure feels great to be done with a workout before 10:00am. Before 9:00am would be even better. My best advice for a morning workout on a hot summer's day?
  • Sunblock. SPF 30. Waterproof.
  • Coffee or other caffeine. 
  • iPod with tunes to keep you moving. For me that's Pitbull, Kanye, Foo Fighters, and a little Vanilla Ice (ice, baby). 
  • Wake yourself up just a little bit. I hate running or exercising when I feel like I'm actually still asleep. So give your body about 30-45 min to be aware that it's up and it's limbs are moving. 
  • Then just go out there and begin before your body and mind get together and tell you it's not a good idea, because it is. 

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