Thursday, June 27, 2013


I started writing a new post for an incredible running and core workout on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday I fell and did this.
Sprained it. Luckily it was not a horrible sprain. I endured one a few years ago where my whole lower leg turned purple and red, and my foot was so swollen I couldn't even wear a flip flop on it. 

It always feels so stupid to fall while running too. It's usually just from tripping over a rock or a root, or stepping into a small hole. In my case, it was reaching down to brush a dead bug off my knee. 

So now I'm down with the ol' RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) until it feels better. 
And there she is out of the cold wrap. All bulbous and swollen. 

This really makes me mad at ankles. And weak joints in general. Without getting too technical on the joints and ligaments here, the ligament on the outside of the ankle is weaker than the one on the inside, yet, we are so much more likely to roll our ankles inward and cause damage to those slightly weaker parts. Why the heck can't those two just be switched around??! We need more strength on the outside than the makes no sense!

Well as much as I vent about that topic I know it's never going to change. 

So I'll be taking a week, maybe two, off from the cardio, and that makes me very sad inside. One of my passions has ben taken away from me temporarily! Ugh. I guess I'll live.

But I will still be making pizzas, and certainly posting that running and core workout that I mentioned!

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